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Will I Be Able to Afford Breast Implants?

Posted on Nov 1, 2023 Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants, Plastic Surgery

Breast augmentation has remained steadfast as one of the top cosmetic procedures in the country since 2006.* With the use of effective and natural-looking breast implant options, breast augmentation offers the ability to enhance the shape, size, volume, projection, and symmetry of the breasts. Ultimately, the result can be completely customized contours tailored for each woman’s preferences, body frame, and goals. Many factors can affect the total price of the breast augmentation procedure, and our Philadelphia plastic surgeon understands how important it is to research your treatment-of-interest beforehand to become as well-informed of the potential costs as possible. Below, you can find a brief primer outlining what you can expect from the total cost of breast implants in 2023. 

What Factors Affect Breast Augmentation Costs in Philadelphia?

Based on statistics published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the average surgeon’s fee associated with breast augmentation amounts to roughly $4,516; however, this figure only represents part of the total cost. A multitude of factors — some involving standard fees expected with every surgical procedure, and others unique to the details of each patient’s treatment plan — influence your cost estimate, including

It’s important to remember that the surgeon’s fee listed by ASPS is only a national average. A plastic surgeon’s fee for breast augmentation varies based on your geographic location and his/her level of experience. In Philadelphia, the average surgeon’s fee can be much more affordable when compared to other cities, such as New York City, Beverly Hills, etc.  

Does Insurance Cover Breast Implants?

No. As a cosmetic procedure, the cost of breast implants is not covered by insurance policies. While some cases of breast reduction may be covered if the procedure is deemed medically necessary, breast augmentation is considered an elective surgery. 

How Can I Finance My Breast Augmentation?

Just because breast augmentation is not applicable for insurance coverage doesn’t mean the procedure can’t be affordable. Our practice accepts third-party financing from qualified patients through CareCredit®, which offers special low- to no-interest payment plans according to one’s budgetary concerns. Please call our office to learn more about plastic surgery financing


Dr. David Bottger knows how important it is for patients to gain a detailed understanding of every aspect of breast augmentation before making their final decisions about the procedure. After discussing your concerns in a consultation, he can walk you through the entire process and provide you with a personalized cost breakdown so you know what to expect from surgery. Contact Dr. Bottger at his office in Philadelphia to schedule a consultation, or if you have any questions for our team.