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What’s the Difference Between a Breast Lift and Breast Reduction?

Posted on Mar 29, 2021 Breast Lift, Breast Reduction, Plastic Surgery

Woman-in-braThe main difference between a breast lift and breast reduction is that each procedure has its own specific goals. A breast lift is primarily performed to eliminate drooping, or ptosis, and reshape the breast tissue to achieve a firmer, rounder, and “perkier” appearance. In contrast, breast reduction aims to make the breasts smaller, lighter, and more proportional to a patient’s body frame. This involves removing excess skin, fat, and glandular tissue to achieve a more manageable bust size, which will adjunctively provide many of the results of a breast lift. That said, the primary objective of breast reduction is to decrease the size of the breasts rather than treat breast sagging.

Another distinction between the two surgeries involves patients’ reasons for undergoing breast enhancement. A breast lift and breast reduction can both be pursued for cosmetic reasons, but the latter procedure is the only treatment option also performed for medical purposes. Large, heavy breasts pose an array of physical burdens ranging from shoulder and back pain to skin irritation and chafing. As a result, many women seek relief from their symptoms through breast reduction surgery, which is also among the only breast surgeries that can be pursued by younger patients as a medical necessity.

At our Newtown Square practice, board-certified plastic surgeon David Bottger, MD offers these procedures as well as additional breast surgery options for Philadelphia women seeking to enhance their breast contours. Contact us online or by calling (610) 227-6114 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bottger, or to speak with a friendly member of our office.