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What should I Expect for my Liposuction Recovery?

Posted on Dec 23, 2013 Liposuction

Your liposuction recovery will vary based on a variety of factors, including the location of the treatment region and the amount of fat removed. However, there are common aspects of the recovery period experienced by all liposuctionpatients. You should expect to experience some minor bruising and swelling after liposuction, but this will subside over the first 2-3 weeks of your recovery. You will need to get plenty of rest right after surgery, but Dr. Bottger encourages you to begin moving around as soon as you feel up to it. This will stimulate blood flow, facilitating the healing process. You should be able to return to a light work schedule after about a week, but you should refrain from strenuous activity until Dr. Bottger allows you to resume. A compression garment will need to be worn for 2-3 weeks. Also, avoid showering for the first two days of recovery. Once your compression garment is removed, you will start noticing some results. However it may take as long as 3 months for your final liposuction results to become apparent. Dr. Bottger encourages you to ask any questions you may have during your liposuction recovery period. The more closely you follow his aftercare instructions, the smoother the healing process will be. If you are interested in liposuction, please contact Dr. David Bottger today to schedule your initial consultation. We serve patients in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area.