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Am I a Candidate for a Brow Lift?

Posted on Apr 20, 2014 Facial Procedures

Do you look in the mirror and no matter how rested you are, still look tired? You may be a good candidate for a brow lift.

When addressing a brow lift, Dr. David Bottger addresses the elevation of your brow and its shape. When considering a brow lift, Philadelphia plastic surgeon Dr. David Bottger takes the time to interview you and determine what you want from the procedure and the best way to give you a natural look.

The brow lift procedure centers around correcting three problems.

The usual age range for brow lift candidates starts in the early-to-mid-40s and most patients who are 50 years of age or older and have never had a brow lift are generally good candidates. However, there are situations that younger ages are good candidates also. Most importantly, you need be in good overall health for a brow lift.

If you’re considering a brow lift, contact Dr. David Bottger, Philadelphia plastic surgeon, to learn if it’s the right procedure for your circumstances. Call us at 610-355-1929.