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Common Liposuction Myths Debunked

Posted on Apr 22, 2024 Body Contouring, Liposuction, Plastic Surgery

Liposuction is an extremely popular cosmetic procedure that removes fat from specific areas of the body, such as the upper arms, abs, flanks, hips, thighs, and back, among other areas. Despite its popularity, the procedure is surrounded by many myths and misconceptions. Knowing how to separate fact from fiction with regard to liposuction can help you have realistic expectations and make informed decisions about the procedure, so Dr. Bottger has provided a brief primer debunking common liposuction myths:

Myth: Liposuction is a procedure only for women.

Liposuction can achieve successful and natural-looking results for both men and women. Under the care of a skilled board-certified plastic surgeon in Philadelphia, body sculpting with liposuction can emphasize the sharp, masculine contours often sought out by male patients. Common treatment areas for men include the chest, abdomen, and flanks to reclaim a more defined physique.

Myth: Liposuction can help you lose weight. 

Liposuction is simply a fat removal procedure that targets fat cells in areas of buildup — the procedure is not intended to be a form of weight loss. Surgery is most successful for men and women who want to reshape certain areas of their body, rather than reduce their actual weight. 

Myth: The recovery process after liposuction is lengthy and painful.

Recovery time and pain levels vary depending on the extent of liposuction performed and your personal pain tolerance, but downtime after liposuction is generally considered more tolerable relative to other cosmetic surgeries. Incisions are small (less than one centimeter) and many patients return to work and their normal activities within a few days, although you may need to avoid strenuous activities for a longer period. 

Myth: Weight gain isn’t possible after liposuction.

Fat cells removed by liposuction do not regenerate or “grow back”, making the change in overall shape permanent. However, if you gain a significant amount of weight after the procedure, remaining fat cells can still enlarge and affect the body’s overall size. This is why living an active and healthy lifestyle is the best way to maximize your liposuction results. 

Liposuction can be one of the most straightforward yet rewarding body sculpting procedures available to help you achieve your body and fitness goals. Reach out to our Philadelphia practice for more information about fat removal via liposuction, or to schedule a consultation.