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24-Hour Recovery: Nice Extra, but Don’t Bank on It

Posted on May 21, 2011 Breast Augmentation

With increasing numbers of plastic surgeons performing breast augmentation, there are a number of competitive advantages that surgeons advertise when they are trying to distinguish themselves in a crowded market. One of these extras is known as 24-Hour Recovery or Rapid Recovery. They promise you can go out for dinner the night of or be back at work the day after your breast augmentation surgery. While it is not for us to say what other surgeons can or cannot do, but we can say why we don’t think 24-hour breast augmentation recovery is necessarily a good idea:

Overall, rapid recovery might seem like a good selling point on paper, but in practice it’s not worth the risk. Most patients report that the discomfort from breast augmentation is less than they expected, and many feel normal one or two days after surgery, but we think it’s best to give yourself the time you need to heal. To learn more about breast augmentation recovery, please call or email Dr. David A. Bottger to schedule a consultation at his Philadelphia office.