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Can Fat Return after Liposuction?

Posted on Feb 19, 2013 Liposuction

If you have worked hard through diet and exercise to achieve your desired figure, but find that certain stubborn pockets of fat still won’t go away, then liposuction may be an effective way to deliver the toned, sculpted contour you are looking for. But can these pockets of fat return at a later date? Unfortunately, this question is somewhat complicated. The fat cells surgically removed through liposuction will never come back. In this way, liposuction delivers permanent results. However, the other remaining fat cells in your body can still expand if you gain weight after your procedure. As a result, dramatic changes in your weight after liposuction can cause your body to store fat in new, often undesirable locations. This can create an unbalanced body contour or cause issues such as dimpling. It is important to remember that liposuction is not a tool for weight loss. If you are close to your ideal weight and are committed to a fitness and diet regimen that will maintain this weight in the future, Dr. Bottger can deliver beautiful results that will help you look and feel your best for years to come. But if you gain weight down the road, it can adversely impact your results. During your initial consultation, Dr. Bottger will discuss this with you in order to determine whether you are an ideal candidate for the procedure. If you live in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area and are interested in liposuction, please contact Dr. David Bottger today to schedule your initial consultation.