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Rhinoplasty Recovery

Posted on Feb 22, 2016 Plastic Surgery

If you are considering rhinoplasty to improve the appearance of your nose, you are probably wondering what recovery is like. Prior to surgery, Dr. David Bottger will give you the details of what to expect in your unique case, as well as the full pre-operative and post-operative instructions you will need to follow in order to make your recovery as smooth as possible, avoid unnecessary complications, and enjoy the optimal outcome from your procedure. But you don’t have to wait for your appointment to learn the basis of Philadelphia rhinoplasty recovery.

Immediately After Surgery

After surgery you will experience bruising and swelling. Don’t be surprised if you have two black eyes and a headache. And, don’t be alarmed if the bruising and swelling actually get worse over the next two or three days.

To minimize the swelling and discomfort, keep your head elevated for the first few days and use a cold compress. Frozen peas are a popular option. Have several packages in your freezer so you can switch them out. The discoloration will start to fade in a few days and the swelling will go down in a week or two. Taking proper care of yourself from the moment you get home from your procedure will speed up the process.

You will also have a splint on your nose. That will come off during your follow-up visit one week after surgery. Any external stitches will also be removed at that time. Internal stitches dissolve on their own.

You may feel stuffy or congested after your Philadelphia rhinoplasty. Do not blow your nose. You’ll need to wait at least a week or two to do that.

If you wear glasses, you will need to keep them off of your nose by taping them to your forehead or resting them on your cheeks for the first few weeks.

Other Precautions During Rhinoplasty Recovery

You can resume light activity after the first week, but you’ll need to avoid strenuous activity for about three weeks. Avoid bending over as it will increase blood pressure to your nose. You need to avoid sun exposure and any activities that could involve bumping your nose for the first two months after surgery.

Seeing the Final Results

It can take six months to a year for the swelling to completely subside and for you to see the final, beautiful results of your Philadelphia rhinoplasty. However, the swelling should be minimal enough after the first couple of weeks that most people will not notice it.

Learn more about Philadelphia rhinoplasty by contacting Dr. Bottger online to schedule your consultation.